Monday, May 28, 2007

Family Reunion 2007

Well...I, Heidi, launched this site in hopes that it will allow us, as a family, to stay more connected from reunion to reunion. I came away from this weekend's family reunion with a renewed passion to see our heritage and close family ties be continued and preserved as we grow and spread out. Grandad and Grandmom had such a desire to pass down our Christian beliefs and strong family chord from generation to generation. It is rare these days to find a family as large as ours and as unified in purpose as ours. I want to thank all of the siblings for continuing in Grandad's footprints so we too can point to you as examples of Godly parents and grandparents as we raise our children, and they raise their is the Yoder legacy! Here are just some random pictures we took over the weekend. I really wish I had taken more... so I would love to get some that you all have taken. Feel free to comment at the bottom or email me with any more pictures you would like me to post. I would also love to have links to individual family blogs if any of you want to set one up. It is easy! (you can see mine under links for an example) This will be a great way for us to also keep up to date with new births in the family and new marriages! I will continue to try to update it frequently with new pictures or info from the family. I'd love to hear suggestions and feedback! Thanks to you all for a great weekend!